Category Archives: Minifix

Epístola a una auténtica femme fatale: mi amiga

Estocolmo, Suecia, a Jueves 20 de Mayo Anno Domini 2004. Día de la Ascensión de Jesuscristo. Cielo nublado, hubo un poco de calor, y el clima daba una ligera brisa fresca. Adorada mia: Hoy vi volar gaviotas. Tengo tanto tiempo … Continue reading

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3 ventanas

Le gustó ver el sol brillar a esas horas del día, parecía muy temprano, como las 7 am o las 6 y media a lo mejor, pero no, eran las 4:56 am y el sol daba colores a todo lo … Continue reading

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Admirando las estrellas

Estaba sentado frente al monitor, uno justo como éste, pensó. Sí, lo recuerdo muy bien, era un Packard Bell, se reiteró a sí mismo. Era un momento díficil, se le veía extremadamente preocupado por algo, como queriendo sacar una historia … Continue reading

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Carla no está

Se miraba escurrir el agua por la alcantarilla, se escuchaba bien el ruido del agua deslizándose por el asfalto. El cartón de un litro de Leche Jersey sirvió como botecito, esos eran los barcos de los niños qué jugaban cerca … Continue reading

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Ambos lucían completamente de negro y entrando por uno de los ventanales que se veían desde el presbiterio, bajaron con soga dando en la nave lateral izquierda. Se encaminaron a la recámara del nuevo sacerdote. Al cura lo amagaron, eran … Continue reading

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2034 High Roller

We did not give a fuck. The cop stood outside the patrol car for a sec or two, hand in gun ready to shoot at us the moment we made a false move. We were brown and we had a … Continue reading

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Russian mon in BC

– Ni los periódistas más chingones de la ciudad se las olieron. Eso a pesar que ya habían dado la voz: Los carteles se andan asociando con los Rusos. The Washington Times May 28, 2001 reportó así la noticia: Mexicans, … Continue reading

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Loya Jirga

Recientemente en una investigación de las reliquias que Melchor, Baltazar y Gaspar trajesen al niño dios y que se encuentran en la catedral de la ciudad de Colonia en Alemania, se descubrió un viejo papiro entre las reliquias. A punto … Continue reading

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No me acuerdo con exactitud tras más de 30 años de televisión allá en Califas y La Baja. Casi estoy seguro que no se permiten comerciales de bebidas fuertes en la tele. Mas bien puedo estar equivocado. En Suecia no … Continue reading

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– ¿Nunca has sentido uno en ti? – Sólo con protección. Me le quedo mirando. Ella era una mujer muy guapa, de 23 años, de pelo rojo y ojos negros. El amor era un plastico en si. La conocí bajo … Continue reading

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No recuerdo que haya sido algo sensacional más allá de por fin poder ver el cuerpo desnudo de una mujer y por fin! En mis manos, a mi placer. Desde esta edad sólo atino a romantizar el evento, pero la … Continue reading

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Eres idiosa Antes tan sólo era un sueño. Una tentadora proposición que mi alter ego proponía como chiste entre mejores amigos. La miraba tanto a la idea, su posibilidad atrayendome por su potente curvabilidades, que nunca me di cuenta del … Continue reading

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Hotel Lucerna

“Para empezar,” contestó ya agitado, casi enojado y con esos looks que matan, “yo pertenezco a la clase media de los pobres en Tijuana, es más,” dijo con tono de autoridad y dignidad, “mi primera impresión de una clase social … Continue reading

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ideas matuninas muy efímeras

Él estaba en la cocina, cocinando unos huevos, primero estilo ranchero sin tomate, cebolla, y tortilla, después, como sabía que el sartén no permitía ese tipo de cocinar, el teflón del sartén era ya una triste memoria de su pasado, … Continue reading

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Un post surgido a causa de un post que leí recientemente en In My Room homeboy de Angel y Crónicas Policiacas. El error era demasiado grande, sabía que el mensaje serían sus últimas palabras en este mundo, así que cuando … Continue reading

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I had a dream last night

We, the Xikano raza, have become inheritors of Adam, Jefferson, Franklin and Washington’s democratic principles. They understood we would understand as soon as their heirs lost all sight of all the goals of the American Dream due to their stupid … Continue reading

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El avión salió de Frankfurt am Main a las 19:55 de la noche rumbo a Tijuana, el vato estaba cansado y este último fracaso lo derrumbo completamente, estaba viejo, y el futuro no plantaba para una buena vida, por lo … Continue reading

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Toxic effects

The afternoon gave out a strange light for that particular hour of the day. It was August and around this time the harvest was due for picking yet the day was infuriatingly red. The clouds carried a strange blue hue … Continue reading

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Art 33

El Informador, un periódico con conexiones dentro del instituto castrense Chapultepec había informado anteriormente la inesperada junta de varios generales a horas muy tarde en el salon Benito Juarez, siendo la persona más notoria, la del General de cinco estrellas, … Continue reading

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Breach of silence

There is a certain texture about a day that begins with slight greyish opaque clouds and nippy air, you notice how silence gradually turns colder as you becomes aware of the day’s atmosphere. It is one of the few calm … Continue reading

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El Sordo Poder

El Sordo Poder o Las Ganancias de la Guerra en Wall St bajo el Acta de Patriotismo, Párrafo 2C: Se es patriota aquel que me haga rico aun a cuestas de sangre ajena en países que digne peligrosos Obra en … Continue reading

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El secreto: TKT, limón, y sal + su solución, pinches gringos, ni se la malician. En cambio, al dos por uno, él era uno de esos Mexicanos que se curan sus heridas con limón verde y es más, al rajo … Continue reading

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It wasn’t anymore the suns rays which shone goo like light on cracked up faces that became the center of attention of his obsessed eyes that’s for sure; no, the purplish neon lights in his apartment did the daily life … Continue reading

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He used to smoke pot like a motherfucker, all the time and loved metal, that boy had cassette after cassette of metal from all kinds of bands from all over the world. He was a head banger if that term … Continue reading

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– No. final, that’s it, I won’t accept any other outcome. – Am afraid things have changed. – You were told exactly how the outcome was to be accomplished. – Certain unexpected events arose during the execution of the command. … Continue reading

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Es una tienda de abarrotes cualquiera, ahí la gente se comunica … – ¿Ya llego el periódico? – No tarda Alfred… – ¿Cuanto te debo? – 300:– coronas, próximamente Euros … – Cállate, no quiero saber de eso Larsson, deberías … Continue reading

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En la casa de él había un pasado que le daba alegría, le daba un sentido de algo, era somebody pero eso quedó lejos del brío aquel que le daba vida, ahora es más opaco, albo. A veces se relajaba … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, at the paper company where paper for stocks are made a Q & A was taking place … – When the stars shone ..that’s when. – Any particular motive as to why just then? – Look Ed, the guy … Continue reading

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Curiosamente ayer estuve pelando papas. Mientrás procuraba dejarlas libres de manchas, las muy jijas de su rechinchu me sacaban un coraje y un dos que tres mentadas de madre pues en mi afán de pelarlas se me resbalaban, escapándose de … Continue reading

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Por la mente de Javier

Javier Rodríguez Menendez deambulaba tranquilamente por los pasillos del pasaje de reliquias y joyerías y tiendas de a nickle. Ahí el tiempo y la vida co-existían como una sola entidad. Los pensamientos y sus sentimientos se disfrutaban mutuamente que hasta … Continue reading

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Por la mente de Javier

Aunque a Javier Rodríguez Menendez le gustaba disfrutar de las momentos más íntimos de la vida por medio del presente, los memorias de su vida le atacaban como cuando la parca se le acerca a las almas, con sutileza. El … Continue reading

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Por la mente de Javier

Javier Rodríguez Menendez entró al negocio de Cámaras y Fotos para comprarse una cámara. Era un acto más de desesperación por poseer un poco más de vida. Quería guardar sus memorias con el click de una cámara, conservarlas en un … Continue reading

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À la Crosthwaite pero sin el miedo Ayer me fui a cortar el pelo. Me lo corte cerca del centro, en una peluquería/salon de belleza de Sirianos cristianos. Mientrás una jovencita me lo cortaba, a un lado estaba una dama … Continue reading

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The aisle was carpeted with a carpet named Yielding Effects and the color was, according to an old catalog my mom had left behind, Oriental Jade. The walls bore paintings from the family’s efforts to inculcate their children artistic talent … Continue reading

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Experimental Writing

There was only that one chance. The crowds were thick enough to create a diversion and grab it. The moneybag lay idle in the counter, so it would be enough for a fire alarm to cause a small panic, stretch … Continue reading

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El cafe estaba frío y las meseras ni lo peleban ya. Nunca uso reloj porque le molestaba saber la hora del día y ahora que era de suma importancia no sabia ni pedirla. Por eso se levantó de la mesa … Continue reading

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The trees had been planted by some immigrants at the time Alaska belonged to Mother Russia. They were not native to this soil but adapted themselves very well, spreading far and wide across the valley and even proclaimed a natural … Continue reading

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Greg drew sketches of objects his irises picked up ‘outside him’ he says. Carl on the other side of the studio wrote sketches. He used words like puzzle bits and his pencil like a brush. ‘The mind’ he said, ‘is … Continue reading

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There was only that one chance. The crowds were thick enough to create a diversion and grab it. The money bag lay idle in the counter, so it would be enough for a fire alarm to cause a small panic, … Continue reading

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When the trees started to swoosh with the force of the winds my hair began to be caressed by the gusts of the fresh morning breeze. My neck felt the coolness of the early hours light and I kept walking … Continue reading

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Then that same night he told her he couldn’t lie, they drank beer, lying right there on the spot to each other. He had that flash, that flash that’s like a chain and ball, heard the chin-cling loud and clear … Continue reading

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What is it about two people that just want each other? There are two things I loathe, hunger and sex, they distract me from my studies, they do, they really do. – Wanna drink coffee? – No thanks, am bored, … Continue reading

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Act one: Drama out of proportions Anton: It will go fast, the remorse and qualms ails us, I promise it will go quickly. Cleops: We can not stand idle and do nothing. In history we will go down as the … Continue reading

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Dear Lisia: Every now and then I get this sort of melancholy and I come to think of you. I often feel I betrayed you, that in the course of that drink we had, that intoxicating love we shared to … Continue reading

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The soft velvet fabric of the sofa invited relaxation. The bar atmosphere was soothing and not too many people smoked. Chris and Licia sat by one of the sofas, ordered some red wine and began talking. They spoke of mundane … Continue reading

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The metereologist had predicted sunny weather with partial clouds during and only in the afternoon. The city’s only meteorologist had a reputation to keep and almost all of his weather instruments, financed by the city’s coffers, were up-to-date, state-of-the-art technologies. … Continue reading

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Hej! Today, as I was walking to the computer room from my dorm, (sounds kind of childish considering my age) I couldn’t help noticing how Spring had set its foot on the landscape. Although the trees are still bare and … Continue reading

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Pablo y Lucrecia

– No es cierto! Perro desgraciado, me las vas a pagar imbécil! ¿Lo oyes? ¡Me las vas a pagar! Pablo, aún sin comprender el efecto de las noticias, aturdido por los gritos incesantes de Lucrecia, sólo se digno a mirar, … Continue reading

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Aquella tarde prometía ser diferente. Tenía ganas de aventura, le hacían falta ganas. La lucha era cruenta. Le comían las ansias. Quería, de verdad, un cambio. Un nuevo ambiente, pero el día sólo ofrecía, hasta ese momento sólo una vaga … Continue reading

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John had receently been forced to pull a prank on officer Stacey Maloy. He was told that in order to get in the fraternity he was to pull from Officer Maloy’s locker his baton, without him noticing, and then put … Continue reading

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– The Macmillan Dictionary has an entry for duh. – Duh! Like I wanna know that. – Ok, so what, do you want to know? George sat exasperated; this student was fidgety, looked distressed and nothing of substance came out … Continue reading

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– The Macmillan Dictionary has an entry for duh. – Duh! Like I wanna know that. – Ok, so what, do you want to know? George sat exasperated; this student was fidgety, looked distressed and nothing of substance came out … Continue reading

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– You really haven’t noticed? – Nope. – Not once giving it a thoguht? – Are you talking to yourself again? – Just hear me out. – Oh God! Not again. Alright, Spill it out then. Gardner sat silently and … Continue reading

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– You really haven’t noticed? – Nope. – Not once giving it a thoguht? – Are you talking to yourself again? – Just hear me out. – Oh God! Not again. Alright, Spill it out then. Gardner sat silently and … Continue reading

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Frijoles Aztecas

The classical. He does it. But he does it because he misses those things which bring back to memory those very things which he is far from. I’ve always argued that there isn’t a most fervent nationalist than he or … Continue reading

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The classical

He does it. But he does it because he misses those things which bring back to memory those very things which he is far from. I’ve always argued that there isn’t a most fervent nationalist than he or she who … Continue reading

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The pavement was like any other, black. Sand blended with dirt could be seen strewn on the surface. Strolling along its path, George, with his hands inside his pockets, noticed a kiwi smashed well into the rocky asphalt leaving a … Continue reading

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During the high moon season, the beaches are empty, and for once, the stretch of water belongs to the natives. It is at these times that Horuniku takes strolls along the edges of the sand where the waves of the … Continue reading

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Rupert and Albert had just come in the house and as Albert went straight ahead to the flower base he had bought yesterday he restarts examining his new prized object, a flower base from the Ding Dinasty. Rupert headed for … Continue reading

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Under mounting pressure his self tries to liberate from the net of false presuppositions that entangled him into an orgy of angst and guilt. ” Did I say that right?” Did they think I was too chatty, did they find … Continue reading

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Under mounting pressure his self tries to liberate from the net of false presuppositions that entangled him into an orgy of angst and guilt. ” Did I say that right?” Did they think I was too chatty, did they find … Continue reading

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The Mercs

The limousine approached us in cover of darkness and as I opened the doors, I saw that Victor was already seated next to Senator Foxtrite. We had planned to smuggle ourselves out of the country by these means, it meant … Continue reading

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Get used it, it’s life. Nothing else can be done. In all its drudge and monotony, it’s life, so get over it. People really actually don’t see this but there you have it, in all its splenders and wonders in … Continue reading

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The resemblence was unique, it couldn’t of been otherwise. The beauty surpassed everything I have seen. It was what the greeks call kheir and our atom scientists chiral two of the same, in essence, and this was chirality. I took … Continue reading

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Get used it, it’s life. Nothing else can be done. In all its drudge and monotony, it’s life, so get over it. People really actually don’t see this but there you have it, in all its splendors and wonders in … Continue reading

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The resemblance was unique, it couldn’t of been otherwise. The beauty surpassed everything I have seen. It was what the greeks call kheir and our atom scientists chiral two of the same, in essence, and this was chirality. I took … Continue reading

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He liked hiding behind it. It gave him a comfort of sorts, an insurance in the event something backfired. Every now and then he would lurch from behind it and peek through its crevices. You’d have to be really astute … Continue reading

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It was one of those decisions that would later, almost surely, nagg him all night and he took it. He had made many decisions before but this one struck a deep chord. He just couldn’t figure it out. Why in … Continue reading

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He liked hiding behind it. It gave him a comfort of sorts, an insurance in the event something backfired. Every now and then he would lurch from behind it and peek through its crevices. You’d have to be really astute … Continue reading

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It was one of those decisions that would later, almost surely, nagg him all night and he took it. He had made many decisions before but this one struck a deep chord, he just couldn’t figure it out yet why … Continue reading

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The day after. It was horrible. He coulnd’t sleep. He tossed and tossed and tossed, the blankets had been itching him all fucking night. T’was his fault anyways, he stolen that freaking blanket from his last day at the army, … Continue reading

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The day after

It was horrible. He couldn’t sleep. He tossed and tossed and tossed, the blankets had been itching him all fucking night. T’was his fault anyways, he stolen that freaking blanket from his last day at the army, way back when … Continue reading

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