Category Archives: Pocho sentimientos

Quinto comment II

In relation to the Fifth Comment: Here in Sweden, Swedes can’t see beyond my ethnic look or what their eyes tell them I am. A brown person. So the idea of an American has also been hijacked by color lines. … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Malinche, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on Quinto comment II


Now and then I manage to hear my own self speak. An ungodly accidental omniscient ens about. It turns out that hearing oneself isn’t so productive. This time I happened to hear myself. And I thought: who am I? This … Continue reading

Posted in Bilingual, Pocho sentimientos, Wetback | Comments Off on I-d


As an American individual it is very hard for me to follow the We doctrine. Afterall, what is most rewarded in our American ens is the almighty I. Here in Sweden I have had to give in to the We … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos, Swedish rants | Comments Off on We-e


Incredible, I seem to have extricated myself from one of the most dominant issues that impregnate the Xicano ens: immigration. I don’t know why, exactly, we xicanos entangle ourselves so much with immigration. Immigration as phenomena to live the everyday, … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on Evolv


I like the swenglish version of the word time. They write it the way I titled this post, tajm. It occurred to me that I place a somewhat sentimental value to it inasmuch as it reminds me of the Spanglish … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos, Swedish rants | Comments Off on Tajm


Never in the course of humanity has there been a better time to be a Xicano ese. Prouder can’t One be.

Posted in Aztlán, Pocho sentimientos, Poem | Comments Off on palabras

The Metrosex in me

When I go the market I look for fresh produce be it vegetables, fruits or, je! beer. Yet the brits somehow have a weird and twisted meaning to it that just baffles the living daylights out of my Xicano skull. … Continue reading

Posted in Bilingual, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on The Metrosex in me

Que vivan los muertos de la guerra

Listen: Los ABCs ¡Qué vivan los muertos! Sing Along Download the song! Los ABCs: is a five-minute Xicano docu-animation cataloguing the real-life testimony of skeletons who have returned to tell their stories of life and death at war. Do you … Continue reading

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the hyphen in mexican-american

Dedico este poema a mi amigo Luis A. López, Aztec Poet at large. I am Xicano mexicano ese though not del Otro Saite. with spanish colors my brown iris paints la Línea, el bordo, muros and walls of my cantón … Continue reading

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We all remember that afternoon. The clouds hung at an uncomfortable low and the heat made the humidity stick. It was then the town council in all its wisdom had decided to pass a non-bilingual bill, despite the majority of … Continue reading

Posted in Bilingual, Minifix, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on Bilingual


The sun is shining in Sweden. This means lots of welcomed warmth. Please, allow me to expound, the sun is actually heating up the surface. Yeah, no big news round the world but here in my corner of the earth … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on 9

Chican@s and Wikipedia

Oh no you didn’t. Boy do I have bones to pick here. I shall be dishing out more than I bargained for but one can’t overstate the deliciousness of the subject. Right now I am about to do serious deconstructing … Continue reading

Posted in Aztlán, Chicano Style, Pocho sentimientos, Xicanismo | Comments Off on Chican@s and Wikipedia


To the legions of my reader fans who await not a minute before I clamp down the keyword with whatever oozez down my brain, I say no x-mas to you. Alas! I am desillusioned with the lot of humanity so … Continue reading

Posted in Malinche, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on killjoy

seré o no seré

I speako el inglish ese. Though judging by the nature of the media that streams from Amerikkka one be hardly pressed to see that here in Europe, ok Sweden pues. Ok, so am not an american citizen, well wait, I … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on seré o no seré


One wonders why didn’t Daily Texican mention that he appeared in ¡Ask a Mexican! by Gustavo Arellano. Though I wouldn’r be to surprised, the language there is a tad crass at times yet it does jank a smile or two … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on Hmmm


Rheinland-Pfalz (Capital: Mainz) I was finally able to retrieve from my surrounndings for a week. During week one of the year (1999) I took a very much sought after trip which had languished back in time for sometime now. I … Continue reading

Posted in Ese moods, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on 1999

Mi lengua, mi nación

For too long I was embarrased of my Xicano accent. Frankly. I cringed into a hell of angst and embarrassment whenever my i’s* faltered and betrayed an otherness that was far from the american ideal. Here in Europe I can … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on Mi lengua, mi nación

I speak Swedish

Here in Sweden ears see english and eyes hear english. It is a second language or an unoffical language. It is a bastard child no one wants to admit as their own; they refer to it as främmande. Which is … Continue reading

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I am

I shall no longer be subjected or fall into that treacherous pit, I am mexican Xicano and I speak english as a primary source of communication. I shall no longer care or worry that my brethen down south or within … Continue reading

Posted in Bilingual, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on I am

Spanish and Xicanismo

Spanish has always been a problem in Aztlán. Though am second guessing this problem is slowly turning a leaf in the collective concious in as much as Native Americans are more and more preferring to be addressed as that or … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos, Xicanismo | Comments Off on Spanish and Xicanismo

That Pocho thang again

I am ocassionally given to the reading of books which I, more often than not, peruse more than finish when the need arises to let time pass by in an adequate manner. So whenever I find myself answering the calls … Continue reading

Posted in Pocho sentimientos, Xicanismo | Comments Off on That Pocho thang again

La Virgen de Guadalupe

Well, I went and did it, not planned, not anything, just out of the clear blue sky, there we go. Would you believe that of all the places in the world for me to find another Xicano would be there? … Continue reading

Posted in Ese moods, Pocho sentimientos | Comments Off on La Virgen de Guadalupe


It seems as though Pochismo is hailing a revival unprecedented in the history of our young culture. Just as chicano was once a denigrating term and later spoused as a badge of honor so is pochismo doing that as well … Continue reading

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