Category Archives: Bilingual


I tend to adopt an attitude towards language that it’s nearly pristine in its stipulations since I exact a nativists view on language that cannot possibly meet the standards I want. That is, I want what it is said in … Continue reading

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Anomalies are those things that do not just veer off into the unknown causing major friction in chartered and metered courses. They are in and by their own right natural occurrences that sometimes allow us to change course or make … Continue reading

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I need a new keyboard. Not alien like the one before me. Of course, you can’t see my keyboard but really, proof here is a minor bureaucratic shuffle of papers. I really need a new keyboard. But perhaps most importantly … Continue reading

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Chicano academics

The theocracy of la raza are beyond the streets they study. Something happens to chicano academics that makes them distance themselves from the very culture they purport to examine. I don’t get that. In colloquial language they sell out. For … Continue reading

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Now and then I manage to hear my own self speak. An ungodly accidental omniscient ens about. It turns out that hearing oneself isn’t so productive. This time I happened to hear myself. And I thought: who am I? This … Continue reading

Posted in Bilingual, Pocho sentimientos, Wetback | Comments Off on I-d


Nothing brings me more joy to my hearts delight then when I confuse people about my ethnicity. I just love it. I will give an example of said ventures of mine that tickles my belly silly. I recently came across … Continue reading

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Nothing brings me more joy to my hearts delight then when I confuse people about my ethnicity. I just love it. I will give an example of said ventures of mine that tickles my belly silly. I recently came across … Continue reading

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English. Every time I look at this blog am embarrassed by the amount of posts. 450 with this one. In Spanish I have about a thousand more plus that. I guess that explains a few things. When there is nothing … Continue reading

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Haven’t just

I seem to recall Bartleby, that old Melville character that so baffles many of us in this so called modern world, whenever I cherish the idea of entertaining thoughts on Chicanismo. I feel am so way beyond that that the … Continue reading

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One does after all feel as throwing the towel. I do feel that I am losing it. I never had trouble dealing with two languages. Yet being so far away from the center of gyration that rules my bilingualism has … Continue reading

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The I of the bilingual

Something is happening to my English. I am becoming more aware of it. Ever since I took on the job of learning Swedish this change has been brought upon me through a very surreptitious way that, sutil. Though I insistently … Continue reading

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Dear One

Would it just be possible to somehow churn out something in English these days? Frankly speaking, I am at a loss, have I abandoned the I which speaketh the Bard’s tongue? And do tell, why is it that I harbor … Continue reading

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tenkius, denankius.

While denankius can trace its origin to mockery of the imitation of saying de nada with an Anglo pronunciation thus producing the lexeme denankius its ramifications are yet to be explored. Denankius occurs because we southwestern peeps try to do … Continue reading

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With the English Only debate raging across the states of the US and a personal conclusion along the linguistic lines of learning a new language there is much to be said regards the topic at hand. English Only is one … Continue reading

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dotting decades

what this decade needs foremost is a Richie Valens

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poema II

lyrics here

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alguna verdad

In the business of brain development. Jode, that surely doesn’t pay off.

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Finally, I think I pretty much got rid of all the readers that I accumulated over the years. Intrinsic nihilism what not. Well, not entirely, I am afraid that I have to be more honest in my rudeness. Fact of … Continue reading

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Faith based Lectores

The power of the word never ceases to impress me. Especialmente cuando esas palabras conforman parte del lienzo donde se pinta al ser que supuestamente debería corresponder a la imagen que las palabras muestran. This becomes moreso a truth on … Continue reading

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The Metrosex in me

When I go the market I look for fresh produce be it vegetables, fruits or, je! beer. Yet the brits somehow have a weird and twisted meaning to it that just baffles the living daylights out of my Xicano skull. … Continue reading

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Pinches monolingües

Otra vez me llegó la pregunta: ¿qué se siente escribir en tres idiomas?, esta vez de parte de un blog sueco al que, por alguna razón, le parece ardua la labor de poder escribir en tres idiomas. Se les hace … Continue reading

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Inglés Xicano

I can’t help notice the noise that the right wingnuts make regards Aztlán and Chicanos and the whole culture clash enchilada. Specially English. I still have a few problems with English. I grew up never feeling that English was part … Continue reading

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Nihil est ab omni parete beatum

Soy nihilista. Siempre lo he sido. In the end, no habrá nada. Por eso el optimismo de ciertos escritores me dan risa, mucha risa. Se preocupan por un legado que no durará. Algún día este planeta terminará como otros planetas … Continue reading

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We all remember that afternoon. The clouds hung at an uncomfortable low and the heat made the humidity stick. It was then the town council in all its wisdom had decided to pass a non-bilingual bill, despite the majority of … Continue reading

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Poliglotismo: desventajas y otros pensamientos

Claro que ser políglota tiene desventajas. Una de ellas se le es aparente al escritor, aquel que se dedica a las letras y la formulación de ideas, pensamientos, metáforas, imágenes y visiones varias. Todo idioma tiene un dejo de racismo … Continue reading

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pensamientos de un bilingüe tijuanense en Suecia

Supe de la narrativa del Norte* fuera de la Baja. Lo supe, sin duda alguna, por medio de la revista semanal Proceso. Lo importante para mi, en este día que recuerdo esto, es que me acuerdo que me entusiasmó un … Continue reading

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A la madre ese

Así al ras se puede decir que tres culturas han pasado por mi. De por cierto, la plaza de las tres culturas nunca la vi durante mi estancia en el DF, pero no me quiero salir del tema. De últimas … Continue reading

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I am

I shall no longer be subjected or fall into that treacherous pit, I am mexican Xicano and I speak english as a primary source of communication. I shall no longer care or worry that my brethen down south or within … Continue reading

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Ditch the Logan Act!

I have always wondered why the mexican government hasn’t really taken advantage of the bilingual population that it has alongt its 3000 kilometer long border con los gabachos. I mean it’s an increible asset right? people who actually understand bilateral … Continue reading

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dualities in bilingual speakers

So there are dualities in Xicano bilingualism. However, I believe that what am about to divulge here covers pretty much trilinguals and quatrilinguals as well because in essence that which I have in mind is language shifting that is, adjusting … Continue reading

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de traspasar mis ideas …

Estos últimos días he hecho un esfuerzo mental bastante inusual. He escrito varios posts en español que usualmente no haría, o sea, me gusta escribir lo que al inglés va y hasta ahí pero de repente para acá he querido … Continue reading

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wachatelas ese

The phoneme /w/ [a voiced labio-velar approximant, lip rounding] has multiple and productive sounds in the spanglish and espanglish Xicano community. For us there are choices to be made between: Güey, huey and wey Güero, huero and wero What, guat … Continue reading

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un poco de Espanglish

Recientemente Osito came up con la idea of a diccionario en spanglish. I wholeheartedly think que es viable. Pero one must be careful sobre las variantes de spanglish. There is lo que I call Spanglish and (e)spanglish (otherwise known as … Continue reading

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Un bilingüismo latente

Y es que esto demuestra el impacto de la lengua inglesa en la región, en Tijuana. Los gabachos no enseñan en español, vayamonos alejando de esa dulce fantasia de que vaya a suceder eso. La realidad es que es el … Continue reading

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In English I am a rabid atheist. I frankly don’t believe in the paranormal when it is told in the English language even though my mexican culture is filled with it, however, told in Spanish, I am more prone to … Continue reading

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Ok, little by little I’ve managed to notice some things about my writing. The energy I place on the subjects I like need to be taken into account in which language they sound best …not. Reading some of the articles … Continue reading

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On writing and multilinguism

It seems to me, since I have experienced it and lived it, that when it comes to writing, the essence, the emotion of what you want to say is independent of language. For me, at least, this is proof that … Continue reading

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Bilingual issues

Well, suffice to say my spanish blog has sucked a lot of time out of me and it’s because my blog community is so responsive to the text I write and I believe I have developed a sort of friedship … Continue reading

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Being trilingual has caused interesting activities in my brain. Although I’ve never had any problems with Spanish and English sharing the same mass of grey matter, it seems that English and Swedish are just being too concomitant with each other, … Continue reading

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When it comes to languages it seems to me rather curious the stance some people take. I remember as a child how embarrassed I was to speak Spanish. I recall how one day we came to my grandmother’s in TJ … Continue reading

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I find it interesting to find interesting people. But these dark glasses season has got to stop, a little sunlight and suddenly non-vampires turn vampires, the sun turns into an anathema and the curses begin. Maybe it’s all in the … Continue reading

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