Category Archives: Ese moods

siempre en mi mente

Soné contigo. De nuevo. Tú eres la Catedral y serás eternamente eso, al escribir esto siento miedo. Eres la madre de mis retoños. Y me da miedo decidir el futuro contigo en mano. En vida y muerte. Sin embargo, voy … Continue reading

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Hopefully it will not be long from now that I can retake my writing. It has been a long time since I really wrote. It’s not until this morning that my preoccupation with writing was what was being a hurdle … Continue reading

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planning forsaken pleasures

Supposedly carved into the Delphi temple were three phrases: γνωθι σεαυτόν (gnothi seauton = “know thyself”) and μηδέν άγαν (meden agan = “nothing in excess”), and Εγγύα πάρα δ’ατη (eggua para d’atē = “make a pledge and mischief is nigh”) … Continue reading

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dying to know you

The curious thing about dying is not that you are dying but the agony of knowing you are going to die. Even more so when one considers how random death is, for God’s sake, I could die writing, as we … Continue reading

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fraidy cat

For all intents and purposes am a shit little fraidy cat when it comes to religion. Last night I dreamt I saw the universe riddled with letters and numbers. This would on other occasions be a rich source of inspiration … Continue reading

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The whip

Every since I started my English studies my white professors usually tend to lash their structure whip at my writing. Here in Sweden, both at Stockholm University and Karlstad University I have come across the critique that my writing is … Continue reading

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religious kerfuffle

I believe I just shook the living lights and faith foundations out of a European or Scandinavian as they prefer themselves to be known. I don’t normally like to engage in this sort of intellectual bouts with any human being … Continue reading

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Pollock decrying foul like a hole in my head

Uterus fighting the bean stalk Wonder Bra Part 1 whilst the Easter Bunny seeketh ancient ritual to pen a trite old fashion. A seahorse is thus seen a far … yeah.

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God People

I am a spiritual being as much as the next José. I have read many words and thoughts which spring forth out of this fountain of faith. Both current thought to early greek notions of the Great Beyond. By far … Continue reading

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Ready made blogs seem to make it easier for a lot of bloggers. Gone are the days when the blog masses seemed to spend as much on the blog as they spent writing on their blog. I suppose there was … Continue reading

Posted in Aztlán, Ese moods | Comments Off on Stuff


I like to be organized yet when it comes to music I fail to find any pleasure in this otherwise mundane chore. I feel bothered by t hings that are not straight. This is part of this little knack in … Continue reading

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pauperrimos indemocrático

My God. I think that I have been more consistent in my efforts to diary here more than previous failed attempts. I spent nearly a whole year without doing any effort to write and here I am. I believe that … Continue reading

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one for the road

In the age of the blog, Stream of consciousness will revolutionize neurosis in ways only television can understand … Yesterday, my closest friend ever said the unthinkable, he said, I hate Hitler. I couldn’t believe my ears. He said, upon … Continue reading

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Drropy eyes burped the last gas yet the beer calls yet Tired am not wish I had more time . Though the clock insists ’tis struck

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patriarchism strikes again

Reading this sent revulsions of all sorts down my spine. The most famous record of slave life, Frederick Douglass’s “Narrative,” rendered vividly the vile mix of lust and domination practiced by slave owners. This is a bunch of poo in … Continue reading

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Daily Kos

The weird and odd thinker at Daily Kos [too asimilado for my taste] had nothing to add to the immmigration issue and the mass protests that ensued thereby. So much for crashing the gates. There is a thing that assimilated … Continue reading

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one last time

I must confess that when I think of this blog its death is my wish. I want to do away with it yet somehow, it remains. This is due because all my ideas are channeled throught the spanish blog and … Continue reading

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to each its own

People don’t inmediately associate the word each with one. But it is, in essence, a synonym of One. Ain’t that crazy? Am not a on demand writer. I hate writing on demand. I just don’t have the gusto for it. … Continue reading

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Adj New Year

Oh, this is just damn dandy, hilarious and outrages. Another year, as if. You know that saying about a hole and a head, you get the drift. Am on my second day of it and am already feeling old and … Continue reading

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metalinguistic privacy

I have come to realize that monolinguals and bilinguals aproach language in various manners. Monolinguals just don’t feel the sting of language as much as we bilinguals do. Language hurts. Bilinguals feel language and we are more sensitive to it. … Continue reading

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untitled yu-7

Writing in blogs has given me a distaste for much of what I deem cultural ideologies. For me, this means the one that says we are descendents of spaniards and aztecs. I now laugh when I hear people in my … Continue reading

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The ultra rich hitman

El fact of the matter es que el mundo is just ripe enough para algo. Qué algo no sé. Mas el sistema que cunde por el mundo doesn’t necessarily apply to the structures that govern us. Governments try to play … Continue reading

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Nipon object #4

Only once it stood there a japanese wooden artifact T’was I who saw it the most staring at it endlessly I cried laughter and tears of joy rolled I stared at it on and on sliding through its curves one … Continue reading

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Our heroes are your criminals

Como todo buen hispano, de Pancho Villa hasta Reis Tijerina, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos has died under the güero gun. The language to disseminate the news is awful. The most humane headline can be found at the above link. The rest … Continue reading

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The real face of Katrina

Leonard Thomas, de 23 años, muestra su congoja luego de que policías allanaron la vivienda en la que permanecía junto con su familia, en Nueva Orleáns. Algunas personas denunciaron que se habían metido ilegalmente en la casa, pero fueron liberados … Continue reading

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El colmo de los colmos

Got one of those spam mails today: High quality Replica. Now, how in the hell can a replica be of high quality to begin with? It’s a fucking replica for crying outloud ese!

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Un año más con ustedes

Well I just renewed my webbhotel again. Ever notice that webbhotel gives that prostitute feel to it? Either way, am on for another year at the offices. Though I must confess that last year wasn’t a good one for the … Continue reading

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Rheinland-Pfalz (Capital: Mainz) I was finally able to retrieve from my surrounndings for a week. During week one of the year (1999) I took a very much sought after trip which had languished back in time for sometime now. I … Continue reading

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lilly white red

I remember rather clearly how the cherry tree blossomed after a long winters rest … extra extra : nordic sea winds sweep swedish highlands though caressing blow kissed the white lilly petals … it was the time of dispersement the … Continue reading

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I do not understand how is it that the devil hasn’t made a move yet. The circumstances are ripe for him or her or whatever that christian concoction is, to do so. Devil, where the fuck are you motherfucker? Òrale, … Continue reading

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What they said

These days I find myself deeply fond of XX century thinking. From Volume IV Number IV The New Criterion A Quarterly Review October 1926 New York Chronicle: Gilbert Seldes There is an attitude of mind familiar to observers of American … Continue reading

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La Virgen de Guadalupe

Well, I went and did it, not planned, not anything, just out of the clear blue sky, there we go. Would you believe that of all the places in the world for me to find another Xicano would be there? … Continue reading

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Such a decade ago

Yesterday I was such the decade ago, I swear to god, I was deep in a contorted repressed laughter and in awe at the things I did. So what did I ever do that threw me back not only a … Continue reading

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England o England

I lived in England once in 1998, Bournemouth, in Dorset, and while that coast town brought nice memories, far more than Paris ever did, believe me, the biggest impression left on me wasn’t the quaint seaside lifestyles nor the fact … Continue reading

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I’ve noticed that my admiration of the natural elements such as the clouds, the air, the atmosphere, the day in itself, requires of me new forms of expression. I tire of the same old description quite easily. I hope though … Continue reading

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In retrospective I seemed to neither stay the course nor fallen of it, at least I’ve managed to not run amok with war conspiratorial theories and spend less time writing on it if that. I do read it, but that … Continue reading

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It’s a very gay day

ey, no me lo cases – que no es gay? then again I think *everyone is gay* no, really Logovo slash reader/critic, fan and sci-fi savant. Comment taken from the comment box in my Spanish blog of jueves, agosto 14, … Continue reading

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Am in utter disbelief that it’s Thursday already, I mean, like yeah, speechless, you know? I woke up and there it was, in yerface! You rise and it’s like, you know, what day is it? and wam! there you have … Continue reading

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Some of the Spanish blogs I read and which I keep in my Spanish/spanglish weblog seem kinda strange for this blokehead called J. It is so weird (yes it’s a neologism) that I feel am intruding in a circle where … Continue reading

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Recently I have made some observations regarding my own writing: 1.- Interpretation is everything: How I interpret is what counts and my contribution to the text. I nearly kicked myself on the butt when I realized that one, duh! like … Continue reading

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Ok, back from France …and yes pissed off too! Do I ever have a bone or two to pick with them. So there am I, and do they even care to speak English? No! They refuse adamantly to even utter … Continue reading

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What is the blogsphere? That seems to be the reigning question out there, everyone tries to contend with it or answer it. What is life? There is also this thing about definition, what is a blog? Blah, blah, blah … … Continue reading

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I read in a computer magazine that they sell at Kvantum that weblogging is the hottest new thing around, could it be? Frankly it worries me when things get popular because the minute it skyrockets in the media’s front pages … Continue reading

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Am a human being after all …

I think I finally figured it out, I mean it’s like I have spent thousands upon thousands of neuron cells, good ones too, prima qualité, on the issue. I just couldn’t come to it by any other means, beer, cigarettes … Continue reading

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My brain longs after it. It’s like wanting to be filled, to feel full again, but with what? Am I the world swallower, Galactus, from the X-men series? To an extent yes, writers do create entire worlds, don’t they? I … Continue reading

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Literature for me is one of those things that nearly compel me to continue writing, except that every time I feel the compulsion I realize I don’t have what it takes. Or at the very least ‘am not ready’ mantra … Continue reading

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I don’t like to believe it but more and more am leaning towards it: am not 20 anymore thus I can’t write poetry with that energy that seems to permeate other peoples work. I know that am wrong, and its … Continue reading

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Ok, so today we nailed the last nail in the CW writing course, and the coffin is slowly going down in the history grounds. I talked to some of the other students about the success of the shop, and pretty … Continue reading

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Today we close our Creative Writing course. A course that promised to be exciting turned out to be very strange because we were pretty much left to our own devices, sweden is strange in that way, social contacts acquire a … Continue reading

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Ok, so this was supposed to be a CREATIVE WRITING course …the following then is de rigueur: Did I come anywhere close to approach that which is creative? I think our teacher did a marvelous job in showing us the … Continue reading

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Well, my Creative Writing course is coming to a screeching halt and off course the evaluations will certainly start rolling in as well. My concern here is not whether my teacher was a good teacher or if the course delivered … Continue reading

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Note to self

Things to do tomorrow: Stop believing in the USA I firmly believe that the bible is the devil’s prima facie work

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Fiction is the idea that we must invent worlds and that we must somehow demonstrate, for the sheer purpose of the readers sake, a sort of description without giving too much of what is being told. The idea is to … Continue reading

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‘Voice’ is a hard subject. I feel I have no voice to which I can attach a determined form of writing. However, I do notice that my voice, when am writing, tends to be a melancholic one, a serious one … Continue reading

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I want to write something beautiful, I don’t know what but I hope that I’ll soon know. I believe I like writing because somehow I too want to depict scenes. The problem is that I don’t have much to say. … Continue reading

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I don’t know if it has been done before but since I certainly haven’t seen it done in the English language am giving it a shot. Although I must confess that it worries me that it has been done before. … Continue reading

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On writing

When I write I like it when it gives rise to phonological linkage. This happens very much in both my native tongues, Spanish and English, as Swedish is still hatching from the shell it is incubating in. When a line … Continue reading

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